Feature Pause

When users exhaust the number of tokens or credits available during a given billing period, we will pause access to a given feature. A system flag will be set to prevent future usage on your app.

Account Pause

If users fail to complete a payment, their account will be automatically paused. You can also manually go into a user account and pause access.

This entire account is paused, which limits all account actions until resumed by your team.

Suspend Usage

To prevent usage events from processing against a balance account, you can suspend usage tracking on an account-by-account basis or globally. While usage processing is suspended, events streamed to Fermata will be held in a suspension queue. You can chose to void or replay these events when you resume usage processing.

Fermata engine in suspended state.

An individual account with event capture suspended.

When you resume the Fermata engine you can select which events to replay + process and which events to void.

Suspend Payment Capture

To prevent additional billing actions from being processed, you can chose to suspend all billing actions. During this time, all automated payment capture events will be skipped. Usage events will continue to process as normal during this time. When you are ready to resume payment capture, you’ll be able to void or process the skipped payment captures.

An individual account with both payment capture and usage event capture suspended.

Credit Blocking

When customers exceed their credit limit, automated or manual credit freezes can be applied. While applied, users will not be able to complete any action on your platform until a payment is made. This will act similarly to an account pause, however it will automatically lift when payments brings the balance below the credit limit.

This customer has exceeded their credit limit, which alerted internal teams. Customer can continue to use the platform as normal.

Customer is credit blocked. Their account is paused until payment is made.

Temporary Credit Block Lifts

If necessary, Fermata Control users can issue temporary lifts to a credit freeze. This can be set for a specific time duration, up to a specific new limit, or both. While lifted, account access is restored.